Precise control of the process and attention to hygiene aspects are essential for the mixing emulsification mixer equipment used in the pharmaceutical industry. Wuxi YeKeey has a large number of mixing emulsification mixer equipment, which can be used to replace the application of traditional equipment. We provide a wide range of customized solutions for a variety of product applications in the pharmaceutical industry.
We understand that mixing is more than simply mixing ingredients
Some features of YeKeey’s mixing emulsification mixer equipment in pharmaceutical applications:
1. Precise process control.
In the pharmaceutical process, in order to ensure hygiene and quality, process control is very important. For the process control required in the pharmaceutical process, the modular design of YeKeey emulsification and stirring equipment can be flexibly applied and openly customized, and the solutions required by the control process requirements can be selected to fully meet the precise process control requirements of the pharmaceutical process.
2. Efficient and uniform mixing to maintain product integrity.
In order to create a lump-free, homogeneous and stable product during the premixing stage, YeKeey's triple emulsification mixing system, consisting of a frame agitator, a central agitator and a fast-running high-speed homogenizer, is used to mix the raw materials. The frame mixer keeps the materials in the emulsification tank evenly stirred. The frame-type mixer of YeKeey emulsifier is equipped with a scraper-type scraper, and the rotary-type scraper-type agitation can ensure the pumping of the materials in the tank for products with high solid content (such as cream), and ensure that the materials are stirred without dead ends. The stator and rotor structure high shear homogenizer designed and manufactured by us imported German technology can generate strong shear force and mix low viscosity liquid into high viscosity product. The triple emulsification mixing system ensures perfect homogeneity.
3. The mixing system can be sterilized and is designed for CIP (clean in place).
The emulsification tank can be pasteurized or steam sterilized, and the tank mouth is equipped with a CIP cleaning interface to ensure the hygienic and safe production of the product.
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